Posts in Executive Coaching
Do Emotions Belong in the Workplace?

If you’re like many leaders, your answer might be influenced by an incident.

Maybe you witnessed it - someone losing it - crying, raging or reacting in a regrettable manner. Even worse, maybe it was you who lost it. It may have been yesterday or 10 years ago, but it was enough to make you vow, consciously or not, to check your emotions at the door.

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Snack-Sized Coaching

My new t-shirt says: I’m not for everyone. I bought this t-shirt as a reminder that, if the goal is to “be for everyone,” then I am probably watering down who I am. How often am I trying to make it easy for other people by not sharing a strong opinion, an expectation or a preference? This shirt reminds me that it’s ok not to be chosen. It doesn’t mean that the sting of rejection doesn’t hurt, but it’s a whole lot easier than trying to fit into something that I probably never really wanted anyways. How about you? In what areas of your life are you trying too hard to “be for everyone”? What are you giving up by not fully expressing yourself?

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Answering The Question That Has Fueled The Self-Help Industry

I told one of my first coaches that I wanted to ‘reach my potential’ and in her characteristic bluntness, she said that sounded ambitious. I didn’t like her response. Ambitious or not, I wanted to unlock my stuckness. I was tired of myself and of the same situations happening to me over and over again.

I also wanted something that would accelerate my growth. I wanted to see what exactly I was capable of.

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The Least Inspiring Advice You’ll Ever Hear

“There will always be people who are smarter and more talented than you are.”

In terms of parental pep talks, this isn’t the stuff of inspiration. My mom first said this to me when I was in junior high and feeling ‘less than.’ She could have taken a lot of angles to soothe her frizzy haired, slightly odd daughter, but instead she chose clear-eyed honesty that didn’t do much for me in the moment, but has come to serve as somewhat of a mantra for me…

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There’s Nothing You Can Do About It

A friend of mine works for a Wall Street firm. As a result of Covid, she has been able to work in a satellite office rather than schlepping into NYC. Besides lessening her commute by 2+ hours each day, she was also enjoying the more casual surroundings and dress code. She was thrilled that this was going to continue until sometime in 2022. Last weekend she told me that changed almost overnight. In a matter of weeks, they are expected to be back in the NYC office. She’s not one to complain, but the suddenness of the decision threw her. Inherent in her reaction was a feeling of powerlessness. There is nothing she can do to change the outcome.

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The Conversation You're Avoiding

I love sleeping. Or at least I used to. Lately though, I’ve been waking up around midnight and laying there ruminating. It’s a great word, isn’t it? Like a cow that keeps chewing its cud over and over again, I lay there in the dark endlessly dissecting this thing that’s been bothering me. I know, I know. Not productive, but it’s like eating a bag of Cheetos. I know it’s not good for me and I’ll regret it later, but I can’t stop…

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Living in the In-Between

“Liminal space... It is where we are betwixt and between, having left one room or stage of life but not yet entered the next. We usually enter liminal space when our former way of being is challenged or changed—perhaps when we lose a job or a loved one, during illness, at the birth of a child, or a major relocation. It is a graced time, but often does not feel “graced” in any way. In such space, we are not certain or in control.”

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The Hardest Thing You Need To Be Doing

A few weeks ago, I facilitated a conversation between the CEO and the CTO of a tech company. The CEO, like many tech founders, is also the Head of Product. He’s a visionary for more, better, faster. He is always pushing. The CTO, on the other hand, knows what goes into each iteration and wants to protect his team. He often finds himself pushing back.

Both wanted to know how they could minimize the tension between them.

And you know what? I fell for it…

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Do This and Become a Better Leader Instantly

Every leader has their signature style of leading when managing their team.

Your leadership style is probably well-known. Before people join your team, they already have a perception of what it will be like to work for you. If they don’t know much about you, they ask others about their experience. And while you may be a multidimensional person, there is a good chance that your style will be boiled down to a simple soundbite, especially if you rely too heavily on one single style of leading.

What do I mean?…

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A Guide for Making Tough Decisions

“I don’t know what to do…”

It’s a phrase that’s embedded in almost every coaching conversation I have. Sometimes it’s explicitly stated, but even when it’s not, it’s there.  

  • I’m working too many hours. I’m exhausted, distracted and I’m not spending enough time with my family.  

  • I like working with smart people in academia, but a part of me wonders what it would be like to work in a start-up environment.  

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What is Everyone Else Doing?

Even in the best of times we all want to get a glimpse into how other people are living their lives. It’s one of the things I love most about my work– I get to see how different organizations, teams and leaders navigate the complexities of life.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been listening for best practices, themes and lessons that feel important, not just for me, but also for other high-performing leaders. My hope, in putting these together, is that you read something that makes you feel like you’re not the only one experiencing this. And maybe you’ll make the smallest of adjustments that might help you be a better you for yourself, for your team and in your own life.

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Is it normal to feel this way?

Over the past few weeks I’ve had a lot of coaching conversations. My clients have very little in common. They range from their 20’s to their 60’s. They are diverse in just about everything - how they identify their race and gender; what they do; their levels and the industries in which they work.

And you know what? For as different as they all are, there are certain universal themes that are underlying all of our conversations…

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Overcoming “Should”

"Should." It’s a word we all know well, and has become especially prominent in this time of deep uncertainty. This month on LinkedIn, I explore the "should's" I all too often hear from my executive coaching clients, and how instead of allowing them to silence our inner wisdom, we can choose to gently lay them down.

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What I learned from a $5,000 workshop

I’m a big Tim Ferriss fan...and have been since The 4-Hour Workweek. Besides his books and his podcasts, I really like his “Five-Bullet Friday” newsletters. They are easy to digest and he always introduces me to something new (most recently the mentalist Derren Brown).

In that spirit, here are a few of the things that have challenged me and made me think more critically about myself and my relationships with others.

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