Quick Way to Orient Yourself to 2023

A dark hair stylish female coach in her mission changing the world, bauhaus style art (Created by one of my clients using DALL-E)

I've never been a resolution person.  They always struck me as a great way to disappoint myself.  For many years, I chose a theme word. That worked.  But this year, I couldn't even muster a word.  Maybe it's that this year feels…uncertain.

Yes, uncertainty is always a constant, it’s hard to deny that current economic, social and political events here and around the world are making it harder for most to feel a sense of agency.

I found this framework helpful. Researchers looked at life stories and were able to identify 3 key themes – themes that are broad enough to orient ourselves around for 2023. 

Communion:  Connection, friendship, love, warmth, caring, belonging.

Agency: Achievement, self-mastery, challenge, status, influence.

Redemption: Growth, beginning again, transformation, progress, moving forward after difficulty.

For more years than I can remember, I have focused on communion.  This year, it is agency.  I feel the velocity of agency.  The assuredness.  And as a coach, I know that it increases focus when we share things, particularly with those who can remind us of our intention when we stray, so I shared it with my coach, Kathleen.

Your Challenge - Commit

What about you?  What is important to you this year?  More importantly, what will you do to ensure you accomplish it?

Do you know what I do?  I commit.  I pay people and I put time on my calendar.

  • I have a coach to help me do what I say is important.

  • I have a personal trainer because I want to feel good in my body.

  • I have an acupuncturist because I am committed to my health.

  • I have a supervisor because I am committed to being the best coach I can be.

  • This year, I am looking to hire a writing coach to help me write a novel.

The very act of hiring a coach creates focus, agency, and intention. The goal is no longer, "I'm going to try". It becomes, I am committed.

So what about you? What do you say is important, but haven’t yet taking any meaningful steps toward making it happen?

I received this heartfelt note from a client last week.  It speaks to the thinking partnership that is unique to the coaching relationship:

"Your coaching had a huge impact on me.  You gave me so many tools and gifts to help me figure out my "why" in 2022. I feel like I have a richer understanding of my motivations, and I have a stronger will to advocate for my needs in this new chapter in my life". 
                                                         - KG, Head of Customer Success

Reach out if this feels like the year that you're ready to take your dreams more seriously.  

Starla Sireno specializes in Executive Coaching in New York City. Starla is in the business of transforming executives into better leaders and better humans. Inquire how to work with Starla or her team.