Integrative Enneagram (iEQ9)


Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
— Carl Jung

Get to the core

Every strength has its shadow, and every leader’s source of greatness can just as easily become the source of their Achilles’ heel.

  • Their drive to win plays well in tough negotiations, but creates friction among peers.

  • Their ability to take multiple perspectives creates collaborative relationships, but negatively impacts their ability to make quick decisions.

  • They are a force of nature, executing more on their own than an entire team, so much so that their team rests on that fact and are disengaged.

Whether it is a tendency to avoid conflict, to create conflict, to lose their temper, or to burn themselves out trying to please everyone else, these behaviors can become a focal point.  Behind closed doors, their name may become synonymous with impulsiveness, disorganization, hesitance, or steamrolling. 

They have likely been given feedback and perhaps have even committed to working on it, but when the 360 feedback comes back, it points to incremental change, not the fundamental shifts that are needed.

Working with the Enneagram gets to the heart of the personality patterns that hold your leaders back from making their greatest impact, and achieves change with deeper and more sustainable results.

The Integrative Enneagram (iEQ9) Assessment:

The Integrative Enneagram (iEQ9) has, over the past four decades, proven to be one of the most powerful tools in the coaching environment.  Paired with an ongoing coaching engagement, the Enneagram accelerates self-knowledge and illuminates habitual patterns of behavior, many of which are coping strategies developed both early on, and strengthened throughout our lives.

By identifying the patterns that subconsciously drive our behavior - including core motivations, fears, and triggers - clients grow from a greater understanding of why they act the way they do, and are able to identify and choose more flexible and balanced responses.

Such an understanding is vital to real, meaningful change and a coachee’s ability to reach their full leadership potential.

What’s Included?

The Integrative Enneagram (iEQ9) Assessment and Debrief is offered as part of many of our Executive Coaching plans and includes:

  • Integrative Enneagram (iEQ9) Assessment

  • 50-Page Report

  • 90-Minute Debrief

Sample focus areas include:

  • Unique strengths

  • Core motivators

  • Blind spots

  • Communication preferences

  • Delegation preferences

  • Feedback preferences

  • Guides for development and integration

What we don’t know about ourselves can and will hurt us…
As long as we stay in the dark about how we see the world and the wounds and beliefs that have shaped who we are, we’re prisoners of our history.
— Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile


Ideal For:

  • CEO & C-Suite

  • Executive Team

  • Director Level & Above

  • High-Potentials

  • Managers

  • Individual Contributors

Integrative Enneagram iEQ9 Executive Coach.jpg


Starla Sireno Executive Coaching
(347) 395-3949
82 Nassau Street, #62147
New York, NY 10038


Curious to learn more about the 9 Types? Check out the following resource:

*All materials have been shared with the permission of Integrative Enneagram Solutions.