Highlights and Insights

How often do we move through our lives tending to one thing then the next without pausing to reflect on what it meant to us? It may not be until we share the moment with someone else and see their response to it that we realize that our life, in its seeming regularity, is actually worth paying attention to.

In that vein, I’m sharing a few highlights from the past few weeks. My hope is that it will spark some ideas, curiosity and reflection for you.

What I’m proud of: Being asked to speak to a group of 220 women and 20 men sponsors at the GlobalWomen Conference at GlobalFoundries. The highlight was getting to co-present with a former client, Deb Leach. It was a special experience to step out of our previous coach/client roles and to learn together in a different way. Check out the highlight reel here.

Quote that reminds me to not get ahead of myself:

In moments when I find myself caught in future-tripping, this brings me back to what’s in front of me.

Take care of the minutes and the years will take care of themselves.
— Tibetan Proverb


How I’m trying to be more unapologetic: I travel a lot, or at least I’m getting back to it. It’s a big part of who I am. I feel most like myself when I’m traveling, even on the trips that don’t end so well (say a hospital in Vietnam for instance). When I start feeling foggy and unfocused, I want to double-down and try harder, but I’ve learned that I need to do the opposite. I need to hit the road. Travel opens up my perspective. It shakes loose the cobwebs. It inspires some of my best ideas. In short, it makes me a better human and a better coach. For years, I kept my travels on the DL. Why share with your hardworking clients that you’re about to go on another vacation? I see things differently now. In this exhausted world, we all need to be carving out space for what makes us feel most like ourselves. Now rather than hide it, I was inspired by this article on using an OOO to create more meaningful connections. Here is an example of my last OOO.

Starla Sireno specializes in Executive Communication Skills Training in NYC. Whether it is an individual conversation or a group facilitation, Starla has an unparalleled ability to create deeply meaningful, useful and practical learning experiences for her clients. Inquire how you can work with Starla or her team.